Art in the early church. by Lowrie, Walter Publication: New York: Pantheon Books, 1947 . xviii+268+(2)+153 σ. Date:1947 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Samothrace: by Lehmann, Karl Publication: New York: Pantheon Books, . 8 τ.: , Vol.1.1: "The ancient literary sources",1958, σ.(2)+xv+148.Vol.2.1:"The inscriptions on stone", 1960, σ.xiii+163. Vol.2.2:"The inscriptions on ceramics and minor objects", 1960, σ.(xii)+154. Vol.3.1: "The Hieron: Plates",1969, σ.(2)+vi+(2)+cvi πίν. Vol.3.2: "The Hieron: Text Ι",1969, σ.(2)+xxxv+387. Vol.3.3: "The Hieron: Text ΙΙ",1969, σ.(2)+xv+304. Vol.4.1: "The hall of votive gifts", σ.xvi+186+xx πίν.Vol.4.2: "The Altar Court", σ.(2)+xvi+263+xlii πίν. Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (8),

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The Kariye Djami. by Underwood, Paul Α. Publication: New York: Pantheon Books, . 3 τ. , Τόμ.Ι: Historical introduction and description of the mosaics and frescoes, 1966, σ. xiv+321+(3)+(5) πίν. Τόμ.ΙΙ: Plates 1-334. The mosaics, 1966, σ. xvi+342+(5) πίν.+(1). Τόμ.ΙΙΙ: Plates 335-553. The frescoes, 1966, xi+(4)+[335-559]+(2)+5 πίν.+(1). Τόμ.IV: Studies in the art of the Kariye Djami and its intelectual background, 1975, σ. xvii+370+(101) Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (3),

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