Terracottas from Seleucid Jebel Khalid / by Connor, Peter J. Publication: Sydney: Mediterranean Archaeology, 1995 . 6 σ. , Δημοσιεύτηκε στα πρακτικά του: "Ancient Macedonia : an Australian symposium: Papers of the second International Congress of Macedonian Studies, The University of Melbourne 8-13 July, 1991", σ. 77-82. Date:1995 Availability: Copies available: (),

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Α Macedonian castle in Syria. by Connor, Peter J. Publication: Melbourne: River Seine Press, 1990 . 15 σ. , Τόμος "Macedonian Hellenism", σ.12-26 Date:1990 Availability: Copies available: (),

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Ancient Macedonia. an Australian symposium:   Publication: Sydney: University of Melbourne, 1995 . 126+16 σ.: , Ανάτυπο από το "Mediterranean Archaeology", 7 (1994). Date:1995 Availability: Copies available: (),

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