[Επίσημοι ειδήσεις:   Publication: Αθήνα: Ελληνισμός: Μηνιαία Εθνική Επιθεώρησις της Εταιρείας "Ο Ελληνισμός", 1905 . 1 σ. , Τόμος Έτος Η΄ (1905) 155 Date:1905 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Sir Ν. Ο'Conor to the Marquess of Lansdowne. (Constantinople, January 29, 1902-Received February 3). "Précis of Μ. Christovasili's Letters published in the "Acropoliw" of November 1901. by Ο'Conor, Ν. R. Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 106 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Inclosure in No. 110. "Macedonia Summary for Month of January". by Ο'Conor, Ν. R. Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 107-108 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Sir Ο'Conor to the Marquess of Lansdowne.-Constantinople, February 19 1902 (Received February 25 No. 111. "Unrest in Macedonia. Military preparations. Murder of Mullah Zekko at Ipek". by Ο'Conor, Ν. R. Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 108 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Sir F. Plunkett to the Marquess of Lansdowne.-Vienna, February 26 1902 (Received February 26. No. 112. "Austrian Government anticipate rising in Macedonia in March. They are exchanging views with the Russian Government". by Plunkett, F. Sir Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 108 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Consul-General Sir Α. Biliotti to the Marquess of Lansdowne-Salonica, February 28 1902. (Telegraphie)-(Received February 28). No. 113. "Macedonian Committee intends to cause massacre of Mussulmans to provoke retaliation". by Biliotti, Alfred Sir Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 109 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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The Marquess of Lansdowne to Sir Ν. Ο'Conor.-Foreign Office, February 28 1902. (Telegraphic). No. 114. "Greek Government call attention of Powers to condition of Macedonia, and suggest representations to Turkish and Bulgarian Governments. His Majesty's Government are disposed to join in such representations". by Marquess of Lansdowne Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 109 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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The Marquess of Lansdowne to Sir Ν. Ο'Conor.-Foreign Office, February 28 1902. (Telegraphic). No. 114. "Greek Government call attention of Powers to condition of Macedonia, and suggest representations to Turkish and Bulgarian Governments. His Majesty's Government are disposed to join in such representations". by Marquess of Lansdowne Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 109 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Sir Ν. Ο΄Conor to the Marquess of Lansdowne-Constantinople, February 24, 1902.-(Received March 3). No. 123. "Serious disturbances imminent. Points selected by revvolutionists for starting revolt". by Ο'Conor, Ν. R. Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 121 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Sir F. Plunkett to the Marquess of Lansdowne-Vienna, February 26, 1902.-(Received March 3). No. 124. (Extract) "Impending rising in Macedonia. Austro-Hugarian and Russian Governments exchanging views". by Plunkett, F. Sir Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 112 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Sir Ε. Egerion to the Marquess of Lansdowne-Athens, February 28, 1902.-(Received March 6). No. 126. "Greek Minister for Foreign Affairs calls attention to action of Bulgarian agitators in Macedonia". by Plunkett, F. Sir Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 112 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Sir Ν. Ο΄Conor to the Marquess of Lansdowne-Constantinople, March 5, 1902.-(Received March 10). No. 129. (Extract). "Anticipated disturbances in Macedonia. Has repeatedly impressed on Porte necessity for not allowing repression to degenerate into massacre. Assurances received. Report on events in Macedonia during February. Project for autonomy of Macedonia published by Committee". by Ο'Conor, Ν. R. Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 121-122 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Iclosure 1 in No 129. Report by Mr Young on Events in Macedonia during February 1902. by Young, Mr. Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 5 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 114-118 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Iclosure 1 in No 129. Report by Mr Young on Events in Macedonia during February 1902: by Young, Mr. Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 114 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Iclosure 1 in No 129. Report by Mr Young on Events in Macedonia during February 1902: by Young, Mr. Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 115 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Sir F. Plunkett to the Marquess of Lansdowne-Vienna, March 5, 1902.-(Received March 10). No. 130. "Condition of Macedonia. Count Goluchowski does not regard the situation as more immediately threatening than usual at thes time of year. Attempt of Alavantic to cause revolution in Servia". by Plunkett, F. Sir Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 118 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Marquess of Lansdowne to the Sir F. Plunkett-Foreign Office, March 12, 1902. No. 131. "Anticipate disturbances in Macedonia. Conversation with Austrian Ambassador. His Majesty's Government would be inclined to follow lead of Austria, and would suggest consultation of Ambassadors at Constantinople". by Marquess of Lansdowne Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 119 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Marquess of Lansdowne to the Sir Ν Ο'Conor-Foreign Office, March 15, 1902. No. 137. "Turkish Ambassandor calls attention to proceedings of Committees, and asks for representations at Sophia. Language held to his Excellency. Authorizes Sir Ν. Ο'Conor to consult with his colleages as to represtations to Bulgarian Government and advice to Porte". by Marquess of Lansdowne Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 1 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 121 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Sir F. Plunkett to the Marquess of Lansdowne-Vienna, March 2, 1902.-(Received March 17). No. 138. (Extract). "Anticipated disturbances in Macedonia. Views of Austro-Hugarian Government. Austrian Ambassador at Constantinople instucted to report.". by Plunkett, F. Sir Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 2 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 121-122 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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Mr Elliot to the Marquess of Lansdowne-Sophia, March 12, 1902.-(Received March 17). No. 141. "Alleged presence of Sarafoff in Macedonia to cause massacres of Turks. observations of Bulgare Minister for Foreighn Affairs and of Turkish Commissioner". by Elliot, F. Publication: London: Harrison and Sons, 1903 . 2 σ. , Τόμος "Turkey. No 1 (1903). Correspondence...", σ. 124-125 Date:1903 Availability: Copies available: Βιβλιοθήκη Εταιρείας Μακεδονικών Σπουδών (1),

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